There are 48 million (8% of the US population) who have some degree of hearing loss. Almost 2/3 of all men who will ultimately lose their hearing will begin to do so as early as age 44. Despite the large number of individuals with hearing loss, only 1 in 7 adults who could benefit from hearing aids actually use a hearing device.
A hallucination is a vivid sensory impression generated by the mind rather than by any external stimuli. It may be seen (vision), heard (sound), felt (haptic), smelled, or tasted.
The combined prevalence of obesity and overweight in the US is 64% while another 5% of the US qualify as ‘extremely obese’. 10% of health-care expenditures in the US are a direct result of obesity. Each year, an estimated 300,000 US adults die of obesity-related diseases. Obesity is a co-morbid condition for stroke, lumbar radiculopathy and diabetic polyneuropathy. It complicates management of all neurological diseases ranging from Parkinson’s disease to Multiple Sclerosis. Here are some suggestions to help those interested in losing weight …
The term syncope means ‘to cut short’. Syncope is due to a lack of blood flow to the brain which results in lightheadedness and loss of postural tone.
Bursa are fluid filled structures with an external layer of durable connective tissue that reside over sharp bony prominences throughout the body.
Fibromyalgia affects 2% of the population. It is a syndrome of generalized pain associated with evidence of widespread local tenderness.
Restless leg syndrome occurs in 5% of the population with the mean age of onset is in the 6th decade.
A concussion is a type of mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head. Most people with a concussion recover quickly and fully but for some people symptoms can last for days, weeks or longer.
Completed suicides account for 30,000 deaths in the US per year. Only about half of people who complete suicide are significantly depressed at the time they do it. The greatest predictor of completed suicide is the previous history of a suicide attempt.
May 2014