IntroductionThere are 700,000 strokes in the US each year. The majority are produced by blockage of a blood vessel within the brain by a small clot generated within the heart or along the margin of a blood vessel wall in the neck. This is called an ischemic stroke. Far less common, individuals will have a bleed when a blood vessel ruptures in the brain allowing blood to come into direct contact with brain tissue. This is termed a hemorrhagic stroke.
Recommended websitesAmerican Heart Association (info)
Stroke Network (info) Southwestern University (research) Heart Hub (info) National Stroke Association (info) More websitesStroke Trial Registry (research)
American College of Cardiology (info) American College of Chest Physicians (info) The Stroke Collaborative (info) National Institute of Mental Health (info) National Institute of Health: Post-stroke Rehab (info) National Institute of Health (info) NY Times (personal story) American College of Chest Physicians (supplements) WebMD: Surviving Stroke (personal story) Prevent Another Stroke (info) |