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EBOOKThis is an opportunity for patients with a given affliction to buy knowledge about their problem. Rather than waste time visiting numerous practitioners and undergoing perhaps expensive, unnecessary studies, the individual is able to learn about the cause of their complaint in the comfort of their home. In addition, I provide recommendations based on my years of medical training and critical review of the literature. I am not selling any particular product and I am not ranking one treatment recommendation higher than the next. I simply provide the reader with access to well-researched information. The reality is that the internet is daunting. While many websites offer helpful information, there often is some product being sold leading to biased recommendations. I hope to help educate the patient without trying to sell them a particular remedy.
The information found within my ebook should not be viewed as an alternative to establishing care with a licensed practitioner. Rather my goal is to arm the reader with valuable knowledge concerning their problem. This information can then be taken to the practitioner allowing for a more productive interchange of questions and ideally producing a more successful treatment plan. The reader will notice that I don’t go into exhaustive details concerning every nuance of their condition. That is not my goal. I want this to be a user-friendly reference book that touches upon the highlights without enveloping the reader with pages of supporting information. Nonetheless, I have provided ample references to various articles for those who wish to pursue their research further. Likewise, I have done my best to make sense of the available information concerning the putative mechanism (pathophysiology) for a given complaint. This book is not meant to represent a diluted consultation. When patient’s visit with me, I cover much of the information found within this ebook during the initial appointment, however, I then perform other necessary tests after reviewing their history and performing an examination. We spend time deciding on the best treatment options. I give the patient various options and will give them my preferences when solicited. However, it is the patient who makes the decisions. That is why I highly encourage the reader to take this information with them to their next appointment with their treating health care practitioner to help stimulate a lively, dynamic discussion rather than the pedantic interaction typically involved when visiting the doctor’s office. I welcome any comments or helpful suggestions. Perhaps there are topics that you would like to see future ebooks written about or you have a suggestion for adding coverage of certain aspects of a disease that I may have overlooked. Practical Notes The price for the ebook is a one-time payment of $16. This book will come as a PDF which will be downloadable. Once you submit your payment, you will be able to download the ebook using a password. This password will remain active for a period of 2 weeks before expiring. Any questions or problems should be directed to [email protected]. |