This PET CT study shows decreased blood flow to both hemispheres in the regions of the parietal and temporal lobes (right more than left). This pattern is seen in early Alzheimer’s disease.
This is a 51 year-old woman who started having difficulty with her short-term memory at age 41. She would frequently forget the names of people she met. During the past five years, her husband has noticed that she repeats herself frequently – often asking the same questions. On initial exam, there were no glaring abnormalities other than she could not repeat a list of 3 words that had been given to her to remember. An MRI of the brain was normal. This PET CT study shows decreased blood flow to both hemispheres in the regions of the parietal and temporal lobes (right more than left). This pattern is seen in early Alzheimer’s disease. PET CT DIAGNOSIS: Alzheimer’s Disease
May 2014