Often times, the visiting homecare agency will provide a free initial consultation during which you can learn about their services and rates. They will advise you on what level of services they would recommend you utilize along with the frequency. Be forewarned, in general medical insurance does not pay for homecare and so you will need to decide how much service you want to purchase. Costs range from $15-$30 per hour depending on the intensity of service (CNA, RN, etc) and typically there is a minimum of 4 hours per visit (although many agencies will arrange for shorter visits – at higher hourly rates).
Just remember, you will be inviting these caretakers into your personal space for a certain period of time. Without going into too many horror stories, a few questions to consider asking the homecare agency during their consultation might be …
- Will there be supervising a RN or MSW? Any onsite visits?
- Are the caregivers insured and bonded?
- Are the caregivers licensed by the State as CNA or RNA?
- Are the caregivers CPR trained?
- Can you reach a live person to complain/get help 24 hours a day?